In other countries, like Britain, infant circumcision is almost entirely a choice of the parent. The rest of the globe, infant circumcision can be seen as a cosmetic procedure to boost confidence in male children or reassure worried mothers.
What are the reasons for infant circumcision? The major concern is the occurrence of neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the child. Though rare, the possibility of acquiring HSV through an unsterile or poorly performed infant circumcision is real. Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years on whether genital herpes infection could be transmitted via non-intimate skin contact to an infected boy. The results are not encouraging. Genital warts may not develop in the absence of parental genital skin contact, but they do not generally develop in a man who has had an infant circumcision.
Apart from the concern about the possibility of contracting genital herpes, another reason for infant circumcision is the tightness of the foreskin. Most doctors recommend a tight foreskin as a means to prevent pre-term infections. Intact men who have a tight foreskin may not be able to see the benefits of masturbation and pre-ejaculatory awareness programs. Many parents choose to circumcise their infants because they believe a tighter foreskin will allow them to control their urges and make them less likely to experience premature ejaculation.
Why would parents choose to circumcise their infants? Pre-term infections are one of the most common reasons parents choose to circumcise their infants. The prepuce, which covers the glans, can trap moisture, leading to an easily infected and painful experience. This can lead to both urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS. Doctors recommend infant circumcision to men who have not been taught how delay ejaculation during intercourse.
Critics of infant circumcision argue that it is not necessary for intact men to perform this procedure. They point out that infant skin can’t be completely removed until he’s at least four to six month old. Circumcision experts counter that this argument is based on ignorance. There is no medical evidence that suggests that foreskin cannot ever be removed properly. Even if it could, the wound will heal in a matter of days. There are many reasons to circumcise infants. But it is worth pointing out that in some countries, like the United States, infant circumcision is not entirely a choice for parents, but a compulsion imposed by society.
What are the risks associated with infant circumcision? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against infant circumcision because there is not enough reliable data to determine the risks. According to the academy the risks of complications include bleeding and penile injury, skin itching, temporary deafness and scarring. There has never been a link between infant circumcision (HSV2) and herpes simplex virus type 2. Some infant circumcision advocates point out the fact that many infants who had their foreskins circumcised developed allergies or delayed healing. These claims do not have any scientific basis.
Some parents choose to have their baby boy circumcised because they disapprove of the practice of female genital mutilation. Opponents of infant genital mutilation argue that a baby with a removed foreskin may be less sensitive to sexual stimulation later. In other words, the infant’s penis may not be able to experience the same pleasurable sensation associated with adult masturbation.
What are the benefits? Experts who support infantcircumcision point out several benefits to having this procedure performed on your baby. First, it will ensure that your baby is free of any diseases at an earlier age. This is important from a public health perspective since many infants die each year from diseases that are not easily preventable.